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Medicare for All Rally


Want to know more about the case for Medicare for All, or resources to share with friends and family? Here is a partial list of explainers, videos, and other resources.


The Medicare REACH program, currently rolling its way out of Washington, puts middlemen between patients and the care they need. This threatens the future of Traditional Medicare as an effective, efficient, and truly public health care program. This website from Physicians for a National Health Plan offers info on the program and ways to take action to stop it.


Physicians for a National Health Plan is one of the oldest and best-known groups advocating for single-payer universal health care in America. Here they offer a basic explainer of what that would mean, and a history of health reform in America.


"But what will it cost?" If you have ever wondered how single-payer health care would affect your own household budget, this is the tool for you. Enter your income and health care expenses, and it will let you know how you might fare under Medicare For All. (Great for online arguments too!)


This analysis takes a comprehensive look at the research available on Medicare-for-All and lays out the facts, including that such a policy would reduce administrative waste, reduce profiteering of health care and lead to additional federal revenue. Read more.

US Capitol

The latest Medicare For All Bill introduced into Congress, sponsored by Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA-7)


This powerful documentary series reaches across the political and ideological divide. It makes the case for business leaders support for major healthcare reform and takes "money in politics" head on. Learn more and view the films at the Fix It website.


A coalition of on-the-ground health care providers, NNU is one of the biggest, most active, and best organized groups advocating for Medicare For All in the country. Learn more and get involved in their efforts.

More Resources

Connecticut's Office of the Healthcare Advocate (OHA) exists to assist consumers with healthcare issues through the establishment of effective outreach programs and the development of communications related to consumer rights and responsibilities as members of healthcare plans.


Contact OHA for assistance with inquiries involving:

  • healthcare insurance enrollment, coverage or billing questions

  • claim denials or pre-authorization issues

  • explanations regarding a healthcare benefit, program or coverage

  • an assessment of the healthcare plans offered in Connecticut

  • your rights and responsibilities as a healthcare plan member

  • referral and pre-authorization procedures required by your healthcare plan

  • your healthcare plan’s internal and external appeals processes


Contact OHA here.

Top image credit: Molly Adams via Flickr / CC BY 2.0

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